St Eriksgatan 56, Stockholm 11234 First Swedish pub in this growing brewery/bar chain. |  |
Arbetargatan 33, Stockholm 112 45 Chinese restaurant at the location of the former Café Proviant and they seem to have kept the brewery. | |
Fleminggatan 28, Stockholm 11232 Fifteen fixed and fifteen rotating taps. |  |
Industrigatan 2, Stockholm 112 45 Taqueria and taproom for Dunder & Krut brewery | |
Fleminggatan 85, Stockholm 11245 |  |
Hantverkargatan 26, Stockholm 112 21 Note: Was closed but appears to have re-opened. Awaiting reports.
Second Stockholm location of the Göteborg chain. As with the Horstull pub about half the taps are from small breweries and half Spendrups. |  |